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The Collective Barging by County Employees Act (COBCA) was enacted in Colorado on May 27, 2022.

The Collective Barging by County Employees Act (COBCA) was enacted in Colorado on May 27, 2022. The Arapahoe FOP Lodge 31 membership voted in 2023 to collectively bargain with the county. The attached podcast is an excellent foundation for those wanting to learn more.

FOP Lodge 31 2021 Political Endorsements

Arapahoe FOP Lodge 31 held a lodge meeting in September; many political candidates asked to come and speak and were seeking Lodge 31’s endorsement. The following candidates were endorsed by Lodge 31 and have our full support for the election on November 2nd, 2021: CENTENNIAL CITY COUNCIL: Robyn Carnes AURORA CITY COUNCIL: Danielle Jurinsky Dustin Zvonek Steve Sundberg Jono Scott Bill Gondrez CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL BOARD: Bill Leach Jen Gibbons Schume’ Nava...

Benefits Of Being A Retired Member Of Arapahoe FOP Lodge 31

Through the last several years, the board has worked hard to benefit our active members of Lodge 31. Many of these benefits have come from the national lodge, and some have come from the state lodge, while some have come from Lodge 31. A few of the benefits that our sworn and civilian members get include the LDF, $25,000 protection we receive for using force due to SB21-217, the off-duty legal plan, MAGEN, and the free college benefit for members, their families, both immediate and extended....

Dedication Of New Fallen Deputy Memorial

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office dedicated a new fallen deputies memorial on May 15, 2021. The memorial has four names dating back to the 1880s of deputies that have given the ultimate sacrifice to their community. The memorial was a combined effort between the Sheriff’s Office and the Arapahoe Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 31. Please take the time to watch the video and then come and visit the memorial.

Arapahoe County Deputy Sheriff Battling Kidney & Prostate Cancer

Jeff Manqueros is a loving husband, dad, and grandfather. He has served his country as a United States Marine and now serves as an Arapahoe County Deputy Sheriff. He was recently diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer and kidney cancer. Jeff is currently going through Chemo and radiation. Today, they had to remove part of his kidney. He is out of surgery now and his kidney continues to work. The bills are mounting quickly with just one medication costing over $3,000 a month. We are asking tha...

Police Week 2019

Members from our lodge attended National Police Week 2019 in Washington, D.C in May. We honored fallen officers from around the country at the annual Candlelight Vigil.